Letter to Members of the Clergy
SUBJECT: Call to Clergy for publishable comments on manuscript
Dear Clergy,
I am seeking comments from members of the Clergy representing a range of faiths on my upcoming e-book titled: The Reason Revolution: Atheism, Secular Humanism, and the Collapse of Religion (click title for link to the most recent draft).
Your comments will be published in their entirety (300 words maximum) without rebuttal from me. You may include references to books, websites, or other sources that you think would effectively elaborate upon your views.
I assume you will disagree with the premise of the book; I do not wish to change your views. My objective is to provide balance in the book so readers may not only examine my science-based "reasons for skepticism," but also alternative views of persons of faith.
Please be assured that your comments will not be taken out of context, misquoted, or otherwise distorted. Your exact language will be contained in the book, accompanied by your name, title, and organizational affiliation. This commitment will be made in writing and under my signature.
A statement of special appreciation will be included in the acknowledgements.
My personal email address is dan@dandana.us
Thank you for considering my request.
Dan Dana, PhD
P.S. Feel free to forward this link to other church leaders who may be interested in contributing publishable comments.